New online dollmaking class!

Pamela Hastings - Tears of the Cities

Pamela Hastings - Tears of the Cities

The last online class taught by Pamela Hastings was amazing (Dollmaking as a Transformative Process). I got so much from Pamela and the interactions with the other artists. Way more than I originally thought I would. It was a small, intense group and I find ideas from that class still inspiring my creative process.

This next class, Three-Dimensional Doll Design, goes more into the nuts and bolts (um, needles and threads… scissors and ?) of turning 2D ideas into 3D reality which is where I really (!) need help. I am so dyslexic when I sew. It is usually upside-down, inside-out and backwards from what I thought I was doing.

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  1. Doing is Important « euphorbialand Says:

    […] euphorbialand « New online dollmaking class! […]

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